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Natalie's name seems to fit her very well..

Recent studies by name societies disclosed that names influence character and do have a deffinate bearing upon one's life path. Letters carry their own energy patterns relating to personality traits and needs. Name analysis using letter qualities ic called Ancropology. This analysis of your pet's name is a brief summary of the hidden meanigs found within the letters of your pet's name.


Name Analysis for Natalie Whaples



Your pet is a responsive, bright animal and one of the easiest to train, because she feels that pleasing you and being of service is all important. Your pet has a real need for adventure and has very little fear, so keep an eye on this one! This is a shy, affectionate animal with a gentle soul. Your pet is best suited to a tension-free enviornment. This is a tolerant and affectionate animal who cares about her appearance and beautiful surroundings. This animal has a plesant disposition and enjoys the company of the opposite sex. Your pet is certainly never dull. You may find this animal has a dualistic nature being very communicative one minute and sullen the next.


Yours is a proud animal who truly believes she is decended from royalty. This animal will prance and displays great dignity. Your pet is loyal and takes her responsibility as a family member very much to heart. This is an affectionate, physically attractive pet who responds to flattery and attention. Your pet coexists exceptionally well with people and other animals. Your pet may become highly emotional and nervous if surrounded by disharmony. Your pet is exciteable and hyperactive and may experience nervous disorders if not given the freedom to release this nervous energy. Your pet is sexually oriented, clever, and deffinately knows how to go after what she wants.

Permission to use the Acrophonology program on the Zodiacal Zephyr was granted by C. Michael Smith of SOS Consulting.
Acrophonology was developed by Shirle Kiley.

Natalie's animated name courtesy of
Riley at Rainbow Bridge
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Kathy unless otherwise noted
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